
All GODFATHER, all day in prep for tonight's chat with Christina Rice – my first return guest! – on all things Corleone, a chat made all the more fun by continued PodRelief thanks to the ease of recording with the Mac Mini, the Scarlett 2i2, and my beloved Audacity. Hoping this trend continues and helps bring back my love of doing the show, the last eight months of conversations –while satisfying and creatively invigorating –  having been technologically nightmarish and stress-inducing: here's to a newfound ease in the recording process. The day awaits.


dreamt in FAR CRY last night – liberations, Supremos, Chorizo, etc etc... Kirby's waging a war with a stick across our arctic tundra in which winter cold has returned for a day or so before it pisses off for spring weather before that in turn pisses off for a return to winter cold: ah, Ohio winter in this, our era of plague (covid / stupid / take your pick) and Manchin-continued irreversible climate change - but hey, we still have heat and (much less brown, mostly clear now) hot water... GHOST PROTOCOL still holds up – realized that it wasn't GP I couldn’t remember but ROGUE NATION; FALLOUT I remember quite well – Vanessa has that effect - but I can’t remember a thing about ROGUE NATION – was that the one with the plane? ... working: the fourth module, the final part of the first zine – or at least that's the plan; want to try it and learn how to zine before I commit to zining bigger things... back to work / the day awaits.


Windy and cold and cloudy and etc etc: typical winter stuff in an atypical winter... slowly acclimating to the Mini and its transformations to workflow; forgotten how much I missed an actual computer over a tablet - night and day, or at least midafternoon... decided to stick with MainFictionThing for the morning, will use tomorrow's newsletter to transition thoughtspace to AnotherFictionThing and Module0004... Mego Horror obsession continues: ordered Karloff from SON OF FRANKENSTEIN because I dig his fleece... back to work / the day awaits.


Clear skies foggy brain but that's the way it goes sometimes… still gummed up on MainFictionThing, but will give it another chunk of the morning and then probably shift to Module0004 tomorrow / next week (in need of a quickish victory to prove to myself I can still write) along with prep for the next TSR interview – the first return/continuation interview! – (still glowing over the ease of the Mini-Scarlett-Audacity recording triumvirate – such a relief); always good to have multiple things going, especially if I can keep them as different from one another as possible, for that inevitable lag – this week being a case in point… the day awaits.


First morning with the Mini still a bit of a (re)learning process, but managed to get Obsidian up and running with no problems, Tasks too. Will take some acclimating to using a computer again instead of an iPad: the iPad-work was (mostly) great, but its limitations are so stark now that I'm working with a Mac again. Didn’t realize how much I missed working on a full-screen display (as opposed to a mirrored screen) pn the 32” monitor. Trying to figure out a way to move all writing operations for this space over to Obsidian but I'm still lacking a way to save bookmarks for Links posts. Make a shortcut? That might work...

Next up will be to begin the figuring process for recording: will use the Scarlett 2i2 first, see how that goes (would prefer it to the MG10xu because it’s far more idiot-proof). While I want to see what the pre-installed Scarlett offerings look like, most likely that I'll install Audacity and stick with what I know. Might continue to use the iPad for editing though... I do like Ferrite quite a bit. Mac app would be wonderful there.

Wrapped up BOBA FETT (such a shame that the title character was only interesting in the last half of the last episode: I maintain that it would have been far more interesting with Fennec Shand taking over Jabba’s empire) aka MANDALORIAN Season 2.5 and the first season of TED LASSO (the word "delight" was, I’m now certain, created to describe LASSO) and I've started another death show on Netflix; the day awaits.


UPDATE, 0809: “Today’s the day.”


Mac Mini scheduled to arrive TODAY and will hopefully bring with it (see yesterday's hopes and dreams, dashed and shifted to TODAY goddammit) but, if nothing else, the day's first workchunk went well and TED LASSO continues to delight. Finished Ollman's FICTIONAL FATHERS last night: planning a piece on both that and FAR SECTOR while shifting most things here from tags to categories – useful way to create a new volume without losing anything from the last iteration; the day awaits.