
A fantastic (second) chat last night with Wallace Stroby (HEAVEN'S A LIE) on my favorite film of all time, Sergio Leone's ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE WEST: spending the whole of yesterday watching, processing, and discussing Leone's masterwork was beyond wonderful (and a more than pleasant way to avoid the nightmarish war crimes unfolding at the Zaporihzia plant), the goal of the chat (or of any of my conversations about things I've enjoyed), to see something I love through someone else's eyes, was more than accomplished. Planning to continue doing these sorts of conversations.

Settling into the recognition that it's OK to switch to another project when forward movement grinds to a halt on the primary: all too often, the missing pieces in the path –  small assignments, usually – emerge while toiling on something else. Pondering: is being stuck on something as much a cue that you need to move on to something else and let your subconscious take over as it is to dig in your heels and stick with it? Yes, I think so – the trick to figure out which one it is. About 70% sure I made the right choice to fiddle with another short story while I push through on assembly of last night's TSR chat. Aiming to play with different rhythms on this one, which get to the heart of what these Modulae are: experimental narrative etudes (composed over a set period of time?) by which to explore things the Main Work precludes – or at least doesn't require, yet.

Greatly enjoyed doing the chat in the evening: I've decided that most of my conversations will take place then. Also considering moving my second block of writing to evenings as well – though, given that I'm awake at 0445 and will, by the time evening rolls around, have put in a 14-hour day (of my various roles, writing and non–), to discount the possibility that my reserves might be depleted would be folly; on the other hand, my inability to overthink (or think deeply, two wildly different things) on other side of the day's Novolog might make it the perfect time to dig back in / my body/schedule is a lab experiment.