coming in july: PRESS (A) TO START
I'm launching my own semiannual (though *possibly* quarterly – have to see how the first issue goes over the next month) zine, PRESS (A) TO START, which will be the home of all my fully-fleshed writings – essays, Modulae, etc – moving forward.
The why of it all: thanks to recent TSR interviews with both Justin Duke, the creator of Buttondown and MJ Slide, the brain behind their own zine, PRISMATIC SLANT, I realized that I've been making a mistake with my newsletter in that I was asking too much of the form in overwrought attempts to have it function both as my primary communications medium *and* my primary expressive medium. My working theory (which I'm considering truth whether it is or not) is that by splitting comms and expressions into two different entities, I will be able to craft a more rewarding communicative reading experience in the newsletter and, likewise, a more rewarding creative and expressive experience for me in PRESS (A).
(For instance: had I not found my way to PRESS (A), I never would have been able to publish the 7,000 word essay I’ve been cooking up as I deal with the fallout and complexities of my mother’s death at the end of April.)
Newsletter subscribers will receive not only free access to a digital edition of each release but substantial discounts on physical editions; you can sign up here if so inclined.
Looking forward to sharing it with all of you. First issue should arrive sometime next month.