
Binding snafus – though my high capacity stapler is marvelous – and a need to let publishing things (the writing part is done) percolate for a couple of days on the final PRESS(A) gauntlet – have brought a most welcome return to fiction for a couple of days. While I can't say that I actually got anywhere in my imagined reality, it was grand to be back there (and to find that something I left to percolate still worked).

Brutal about BATGIRL but I hope this portends Warners getting their shit togther about DC films. Not holding my breath, given that it seems to be more about cutting losses and tax breaks than anything – though the "DC isn't a hobby anymore" line does give me some hope - just a bit, though. OK, not that much.

I get - and appreciate - the idea behind the exhibit, but this wearable baby head will give me nightmares.