1985 Godzilla desktop lighter

For some reason or other, I always wanted a desktop cigarette lighter (probably from seeing Sam Spade use one in THE MALTESE FALCON) but never got around to buying one. Until I found this beautiful little thing. And yeah, I may have quit smoking 13 years ago, but a.) I like being married, and b.) it's a GODZILLA cigarette lighter, which goes a long way towards soothing those 13 years of longing.

cute little godzilla desktop cigarette lighter
The grass may seem neater on the other side, but Japan's clutter tells a different story. It's one that reveals a far more complex and nuanced relationship with stuff, one that suggests minimalism and clutter aren't opposites, but two sides of the same coin. For the nation of Japan is filled with spaces that are as meticulously cluttered as minimalist ones are meticulously simplified. These packed places, which are every bit as charming as the emptied ones, force us to question our assumptions and worldviews. What if we've all been wrong about clutter?