
Though I shaved my hair off last year, when I fucked up and forgot to put on the clipper guard during my usual self-inflicted fade cut and ended up liking it, it's only been in the last few weeks (after considering letting it grow back but remembering that there are few things in the world that I loathe more than getting a haircut) that I actually got myself one of those head-shaving electric razors, and went the full monty, the full Luthor. And I like it.

I'd avoided going full Luthor not out of a fear of doing it, but out of a total lack of interest in the work required to shave my head with a razor (and out of an ignorance about the existence of such things as dedicated head shavers, miracles of miracles / wonders never cease, back in my day etc etc). Now, it takes a grand total of three minutes before I'm ready to take on the accursed Kryptonian.

Also can't discount that now that the family that were most vain about their hair – my grandfather and my mother – and by extension, mine, are dead, I don't have to think about what they think about it (though it would've been more of a "how much will I have to hear, You have such beautiful hair" sort of thing) and thus, bzzzz, far balder than the day I was born.

Maybe it's a whole "dawn of a new era" -type deal though it's more likely one of those "I hated having hair and I hated my hair and I was sick of my hair and fuck it the end" -type deals though I do confess to a sudden urge to buy a porkpie hat and inform everyone within earshot and beyond that I'm the one who knocks.

shorn / split

Sheared my hair yesterday for two, maybe three reasons: one, I was sick of having it and needed a change, especially since I popped into this world with a head full of black hair; two, I like wearing hats and my hair looks like shit every time I take one off; and three, I don't have to draw my hair on these cards anymore. At least for awhile anyhow. This is a victory.

Finding that doing two projects a day and splitting them into different workblocks, starting the second project in block two and continuing in block one of the next day and repeating with a different project – prose->comics is usually the switch – is helpful. Means I don't have to continue in block two, when I'm tired and hungry and can do so instead when I'm more alert in the 0500-0700 workblock.

It seems that that's all I have for you this morning, site. Here’s a cartoon.